Beloved by local residents, Danescourt Woodland is a settled part of the local landscape, supporting biodiversity and providing a habitat for wildlife.
Danescourt Woodland was a tonic for local residents during lockdown, boosting health and wellbeing.
Now it is threatened by proposals for 35 new houses.
This is despite Cardiff Council declaring a Nature Emergency and promising to protect biodiversity.
As developers eye up green spaces, Conservative candidates for Llandaff in May’s Cardiff Council elections Councillor Sean Driscoll and Matt Smith are backing plans to save Danescourt Woodland.
They said: “We will continue to support the Saveourwoods.org resident’s action group and campaign against building on this community woodland. Developers’ obsession with building on this land is placing our local environment under more pressure, to the detriment of local residents who value Danescourt Woodland.”